Guray Ozen
Compiler Research at Google
Full Resume
Guray Ozen is compiler research engineer in the ML Compiler Systems team at Google Research.
His current focus centers on optimizing compilers and programming languages for GPU utilization in ML and HPC. Key contributions to production compilers including clang, flang, MLIR, IREE and NVIDIA HPC (formerly PGI).
Previously involved in designing languages like OpenMP and OpenACC. Served as a voting member in the OpenMP Language Committee for NVIDIA and contributed actively to OpenACC language.
- NVIDIA, Compiler Engineer, ML Compilers, May '24
- Google, Compiler Research Engineer, ML Compiler Systems Research, August '22 - '24
- Implemented NVDSL, a Python DSL built on MLIR, simplifying programming for NVIDIA Hopper GPUs while achieving cuBLAS-level performance
- NVIDIA, Compiler Engineer, NVIDIA HPC Compilers, GPU Group, '18 - '22
- NVIDIA, Compiler Research Intern, NVIDIA HPC Compilers, GPU Group, '17
- IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Short-term Researcher, Advanced Compilers Group, Yorktown Heights, New York, USA, '16
- Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Researcher Assistant, Barcelona, Spain, '13 - '17
- Veripark, Akbank Software Engineer, Istanbul, Turkey, '10 - '12
- PhD in Computer Architecture, '18 (Excellent Cum Laude) - BarcelonaTech, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain.
- Compiler and runtime based parallelization and optimization for GPUs, Advisors: Jesus Labarta, Eduard Ayguade
- [PDF]
- MSc High-Performance Computing, '14 - BarcelonaTech, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
- BSc in Computer Science Engineering, '10 - Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey
- NVDSL: Simplifying Tensor Cores with Python-Driven MLIR Metaprogramming
- ESFOMO@ICML'24, Guray Ozen
- [PDF]
Performant Portable OpenMP
Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) Best Practices: A Case Study with the NERSC/NVIDIA OpenMP Contract
- SC'21, Christopher Daley, Annemarie Southwell, Rahulkumar Gayatri, Scott Biersdorff, Craig Toepfer, Guray Ozen, Nicholas Wright
- [PDF]
OpenMP GPU Offload in Flang and LLVM
- LLVM-HPC@SC'18, Guray Ozen, Simone Atzeni, Michael Wolfe, Annemarie Southwell, Gary Klimowicz
- [PDF]
Collective Dynamic Parallelism for Directive Based GPU Programming Languages and Compilers
- PACT'16. Guray Ozen, Eduard Ayguade, Jesus Labarta
- [PDF] [DOI]
Offloading Support for OpenMP in Clang and LLVM
- LLVM-HPC@SC'16. Samuel Antao, Alexey Bataev, Arpith Jacob, Alexandre Eichenberger, Georgios Rokos, Matt Martineau, Tian Jin, Guray Ozen, Zehra Sura, Tong Chen, Hyojin Sung, Carlo Bertolli and Kevin O'Brien
Multiple Target Task Sharing Support for the OpenMP Accelerator Model
- IWOMP'16. Guray Ozen, Sergi Mateo, Eduard Ayguade, Jesus Labarta and James Beyer
Exploring Dynamic Parallelism in OpenMP
On the Roles of the Programmer, the Compiler and the Runtime System When Programming Accelerators in OpenMP
- Zero to Hero: Programming Nvidia Hopper Tensor Core with MLIR's NVGPU Dialect
- Targeting NVIDIA Hopper using MLIR
- Thinking OpenMP with NVIDIA HPC Compilers
- Accelerating Applications for NERSC's Perlmutter Supercomputer Using OpenMP and NVIDIA's HPC SDK
- GPU Technology Conference, GTC'21, Silicon Valley Christopher Daley, Guray Ozen
- [Summary]
- Compiler and Runtime Based Parallelization and Optimization for GPUs
- Multi-target Task-Based Programming Model Exploiting OpenACC GPU Kernel
- GPU Technology Conference, GTC'17, Silicon Valley